On departing from seeing an old friend over coffee

what a strange gift you are this is we are
to whom we are somehow never saying––

say it is bitter     it is not bitter
as much as I forgot about honey

sticky sweet     how before you swallow
the tongue scoops for more knowing how little

is left         and keeps scooping
only it wasn’t the tongue it was the eyes

could not break the tongue from talking
what afterall was discussed?

not what was said breathing the same
air so cold on west thirty eighth in thirty degrees

didn’t bring a coat didn’t expect such cold
didn’t expect to stand so long not saying––

I will whisper this warm to fill your lungs
with the air of wherever you are found

Judy Leserman is an MFA Poetry candidate at George Mason University. In addition to her studies, she works as the editorial coordinator for Poetry Daily and as a speech-language pathologist.

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